Nutribio Launches Immuboost Crypto Guard for Irish Market

Immuboost Cryptoguard is a complementary feed for pre-weaned calves, containing a novel blend of polyphenols and organic acids. These actives have been proven by independent research to control Cryptosporidium and E. Coli and to reduce the severity of infection of these in calves.

Immuboost Cryptoguard also reduces the permeability of the calf’s gut lining to infectious agents and enhances immune function in the gut mucosa.

In Ireland, 40% of calf deaths in the first six weeks are scour related, with 38% of infectious calf scour cases from Cryptosporidiosis (DAFM, 2017).

Cryptosporidium parvum is a parasite which causes scour by damaging the gut lining of the caf. It is highly infectious within the environment between calves.